August 28, 2008

Touching life at its most intimate

I was born on november 15th not exactly a beautiful sunny summer day, but hey i was born that counts for something doesnt it. I was a shy sweet kid until two years later I became a sister and the possessive and revengeful Scorpio in me finally surfaced. No! I was not jealous of my baby sister. On the contrary I loved her with a ferocious devotion; anyone who wronged her would become the object of my vengeance. Along with my curiosity for all that is tabooed, you can imagine what a handful I must have been for my parents. Some people label me as a typical Pakistani good girl and others feel that I am driven by demonic powers. Although I still haven't quite figured myself out but I guess I am a nice person whose adventurous spirit, modern ideology and a tendency to rebel against what she believes to be wrong are often mistaken to be the acts of an extremely moody teenager. I accept my emotions do get out of control but that adds spice to the life yeah!
I know it must be boring reading through paragraphs about me, me and only me but i cannot start the interesting bits without introducing myself first.
Do stay tuned for more stories that I want to share. Trust me! I am an entertainment channel in itself