December 04, 2008

Finding 'Forreseter's inspiration'

The character of William Forrester is heavily inspired by the real life author J.D.Salinger. Forrester's 'Avalon Landing' and Salinger's 'The Catcher in the rye' were both critically acclaimed first novels by the respective authors after which they faded into anonimity and lived life like a recluse.
J.D.Salinger charged a lawsuit against Ian Hamilton for trying to publish the former's biography. This sort of relates to the moment when Forrestor blocks his biography by Crawford as we come to know in one of the scenes between Jamal and him.
In most of Salinger's short stories, the protagonist makes strong frequent references to his dead older brother, he is consumed by the memory. William Forrester also has a dead brother and lives in his bitter memories.
Both are not very sociable and they probably fear unfamiliar public places. Although not obvious but both reveal signs Agoraphobia

October 23, 2008

Shooting an Elephant Assignment

The Burmese identify the Britishers as their enemy and upto some extent it matches the definition of an enemy because British are an opposing military force. However in a dictionary an enemy is also described to be hostile but the British actually want to earn the respect of the Burmese.
The speaker considers natives his enemy and his enmity is pretty conventional. However his enmity with the British Raj is somewhat different because neither is he opposing them nor hostile; its the concept of Imperialisation he is against. Perhaps his biggest foe is his own conflicting emotions. He knows he is wearing a mask and being dishonest to himself, but he cannot do anything about it because he is just a puppet. He has started hating this masquerade which makes him his own enemy

September 24, 2008

Fighting the Rapids

After a lot of persuasion, my dad finally relented and took us all rafting this holiday. After a long tiring drive, we were completely recharged by the cool balmy breezes and the aroma of freshly cooked fish. My brother and I dashed out as soon as the car stopped and edged towards the river with a curious awe. The white expanse that lay before me, mocked me, as if saying, "You think you can conquer my rapids? What do you know about rafting anyway?".
"Well maybe I don't but my father does" I shouted back defensively, causing my parents to look up and stare.
My reply was met by a crunching sound of water crashing on the jagged rocks.
We changed, put on our life jackets and settled on. It was like a roller coaster ride scary yet exhilarating. The turns were devious, like the work of an idle demon. The water splashed on me; each drop numbingly cold.It was so fast that I clung onto my mother for my dear life. Now that I rationally think about it, it was a foolish move because she herself was clinging onto me in sheer fright. After 10 minutes, we slowed to a halt. My heart was still pumping from the rush of adrenaline as I clambered out. What an experience that was! I went home with my hair messed up, my energy drained and a huge grin glued on my face. I felt as if I truly 'lived' life.

September 10, 2008

Being mom

Ugh! These kids never let me sleep on time and they expect me to wake up at the crack of dawn just to prepare sehri... I do not even keep rozas sheesh...
its too hot for frying eggs and tiring as well... ill just reheat yesterday's mincemeat and smatter it with a bit of ketchup n mayo... i have to make tea though.. hmm this bubbling water could make a pretty cool effect for tom's power point presentation.. i'll look into it after ive prepared tea... OMG!!! Tea!!!
I better go wake those lazy potatoes up. Wish i were back in India... then mom would be concocting the most delicious meals and waking me up for sehri ... infact I'll call her tom and tell her how much i miss her ... wish i could go back...
-just then abbas(husband) wakes up and says Why dont you go back to bed the kids will clear everything up after we have finished eating... the kids grumble a bit but they agree without protest... they hug her good night
HEY! its not so bad after all

August 28, 2008

Touching life at its most intimate

I was born on november 15th not exactly a beautiful sunny summer day, but hey i was born that counts for something doesnt it. I was a shy sweet kid until two years later I became a sister and the possessive and revengeful Scorpio in me finally surfaced. No! I was not jealous of my baby sister. On the contrary I loved her with a ferocious devotion; anyone who wronged her would become the object of my vengeance. Along with my curiosity for all that is tabooed, you can imagine what a handful I must have been for my parents. Some people label me as a typical Pakistani good girl and others feel that I am driven by demonic powers. Although I still haven't quite figured myself out but I guess I am a nice person whose adventurous spirit, modern ideology and a tendency to rebel against what she believes to be wrong are often mistaken to be the acts of an extremely moody teenager. I accept my emotions do get out of control but that adds spice to the life yeah!
I know it must be boring reading through paragraphs about me, me and only me but i cannot start the interesting bits without introducing myself first.
Do stay tuned for more stories that I want to share. Trust me! I am an entertainment channel in itself