September 10, 2008

Being mom

Ugh! These kids never let me sleep on time and they expect me to wake up at the crack of dawn just to prepare sehri... I do not even keep rozas sheesh...
its too hot for frying eggs and tiring as well... ill just reheat yesterday's mincemeat and smatter it with a bit of ketchup n mayo... i have to make tea though.. hmm this bubbling water could make a pretty cool effect for tom's power point presentation.. i'll look into it after ive prepared tea... OMG!!! Tea!!!
I better go wake those lazy potatoes up. Wish i were back in India... then mom would be concocting the most delicious meals and waking me up for sehri ... infact I'll call her tom and tell her how much i miss her ... wish i could go back...
-just then abbas(husband) wakes up and says Why dont you go back to bed the kids will clear everything up after we have finished eating... the kids grumble a bit but they agree without protest... they hug her good night
HEY! its not so bad after all

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